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Wonderfully Made

Dec 20, 2021

Holley Gerth, bestselling author and encourager of women joins us to talk about the integrity of being faithful in a culture that rewards a flashy life and defines success by our accomplishments, appearance and influence. She shares a powerful definition of faithfulness and reminds us that "the small and hidden moments...

Dec 7, 2021

Katherine Wolf, author, speaker, and stroke-survivor encourages us to see our lives as stories God is writing. She shares how for many of us we have a straightforward picture of what we expect our lives to look like. But what happens when we encounter detours or setbacks? Katherine reminds us that even in our...

Nov 22, 2021

Our guest Christie Dondero Bettwy joins us to talk about how we can experience more peace around food this holiday season and in this coming New Year. Is your relationship with food chaotic or complicated? Are food and body image issues taking too much space in your head? As we get into the holidays it can be an...

Nov 1, 2021

Ellie Holcomb, singer and songwriter shares how memorizing scripture has transformed her life and allowed her to push back against the darkness and shame. God's word is a shelter, an anchor and a comfort — full of power and strength. Through her new devotional "Fighting Words," Ellie inspires us to memorize scripture...

Oct 18, 2021

Sheila Walsh, bestselling author, Bible teacher and television host knows what it is like to come undone and feel utterly hopeless. She shares her story of how as a TV co-host who appeared to have it together, she found herself in the psychiatric hospital no longer wanting to live. Sheila shares how her breakdown...